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Blog: Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Salaries in Dallas

Top Cybersecurity Jobs & Salaries in Dallas: How Much Do They Make?

This article will cover the top cybersecurity jobs in Dallas, revealing the essential roles they play and the potential salaries.
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Black woman in red white sweater holding red glassess stressed

Cybersecurity Red Flags: Guarding Your Heart (and Data) this Valentine's Day

Learn how to keep your data safe this Valentine’s season by knowing what online threats to look for and these cybersecurity tips.
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Working at night with coffee cup

Cybersecurity Horror Stories to Tell In the Dark

In this spirit of Halloween, we’ve created 5 hypothetical horror stories to help inform, entertain, and inspire you to secure your data this season and beyond. Read on to learn how cybersecurity best practices can help you prevent a harrowing tale of your own this Halloween.
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Cybersecurity analyst pointing at computer monitor and discussing computer program with his colleague

10 Common Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

As instances of cyber attacks grow and evolve it’s difficult to know which data is at risk. This uncertainty stems from a lack of context, which can be remedied through a basic understanding of proven cybersecurity protective measures.
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Man and woman looking at screen together back

How to Turn Soft Skills Into a Cybersecurity Job

Soft skills are becoming increasingly valuable in cybersecurity jobs, along with education from skills-based tech bootcamps and industry certifications. Learn how to leverage transferable and soft skills into cybersecurity roles.
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A cybersecurity professional works on a laptop and a desktop computer.

What Is Risk Analysis in Cybersecurity? Definition and Overview

Cybersecurity is critical in today’s digital world. Now more than ever, organizations should implement robust cybersecurity systems to defend against these threats, and counteract the rising risk of cybercriminals damaging or stealing their protected data.
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A penetration tester types code into a laptop.

How to Become a Penetration Tester

Cybersecurity experts are needed to find exploits in businesses’ systems. Learn how to become a penetration tester and protect companies with “ethical hacking.”
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A student works on a laptop and smartphone at a coffee shop.

Types of Social Engineering Attacks and Prevention Tips

Social engineering is what’s behind many instances of cybercrime. Explore types of social engineering attacks, and get tips for social engineering prevention.
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A team of three information security professionals work on computer devices in a server room.

Information Security vs. Cybersecurity: What's the Difference?

What does it take to protect companies from data breaches? Whether you go into information security or cybersecurity, these skills are in high demand.
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The hands of a cybersecurity analyst type in firewall information on a laptop.

How to Become a Cybersecurity Analyst

Businesses without adequate security are targets for cyberattacks. Discover how to become a cybersecurity analyst, and enter one of today’s hottest fields.
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A cybersecurity analyst uses a laptop.

7 Types of Cybersecurity You Should Know

Because cyber threats come in many forms, so does cybersecurity. Find out about seven types of cybersecurity and the different ways they protect networks.
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A cybersecurity professional works on a laptop in a server room.

Cybersecurity Job Demand: The Growing Need for Cyber Professionals

The surge in cybercrime has led to rising cybersecurity job demand. Discover what cybersecurity professionals do and earn, and learn how to become one.
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